學 術 演 講
主講人:Prof. Arthur B. Yeh 葉百堯教授學 術 演 講
Department of Applied Statistics and Operations Research,
Bowling Green State University
題 目:Opioid Overdose Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in
the State of Ohio
時 間:民國111年7月5日 (星期二) 上午11:00
地 點:國立政治大學商學院260903教室
摘 要:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, states in the US have had to confront a drug overdose problem associated with the pandemic. The first part of the presentation discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the opioid epidemic in the state of Ohio. This study included opioid overdose death (OOD) data from death records obtained through the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). Temporal trend analysis and visualizations were performed on the quarterly OOD death rate per 100,000 from 2010 to 2020. OOD rates broken down by age, sex, and ethnicity were also analyzed.
Given the global economic recessions mediated by the COVID-19 pandemic and that many countries have implemented direct income support programs, second part of the presentation discusses the timing of the COVID-19 economic impact payments and opioid overdose deaths, specifically in the state of Ohio. Utilizing data from the ODH, statistical analyses were conducted to identify significant changes in weekly number of opioid overdose deaths from January 1 of 2018 to August 1 of 2020. Additional analyses included difference-in-difference, time series tests, interrupted time series regression analysis and Granger causality test.