
  • 2023-09-25
  • 楊文敏

 目:Statistics Is Just a Tool, But It Can Help You Be Doing Well Yourself
  間:民國112925 (星期一) 下午130 
              Statistics is very important in clinical trials. Apart from the statistical part in the development of protocol at the beginning, monitoring safety and efficacy during the study period, and the final analysis at the end of trial, all need statistics. Recently, how to manage the quality of a clinical trial with respect to risk has been concerned by administrative agencies, which need statistics as well. Statistician plays a crucial role in clinical trials, he/she needs not only the knowledge of statistical design and analysis but also needs to well know the process of a clinical trial. Therefore, an experienced statistician always could earn a high salary in the industry. In this talk, I will simply introduce Clinical Research Organization (CRO) and the associated work scopes of a statistician. Then, I will illustrate the statistical analysis with two real-life cases.