【專題演講 II】
主講人:余津嫺 教授西南財經大學公共管理學院能源經濟與環境政策研究所教授、博士生導師
題 目:Energy Transition, Factor Distortion, and Securing Electricity
時 間:民國111年9月26日 (星期一) 下午14:50-15:50
地 點:國立政治大學逸仙樓050101教室
摘 要:
China’s electricity sector needs to accelerate the transition to renewable energy for achieving the 30/60 goals. Based on the resource misallocation theorem, this study measures the impact of energy transition policy on the total factor productivity. The results show that despite policies can facilitate the electricity sector transiting to clean energy, the total output of electricity sector is decreased. Output distortion is the main cause; extreme weather and subsidy policies exacerbate the impact of output distortions. To secure electricity supply, market-oriented reform in China’s electricity sector plays a key role to mitigate output distortions, in turn improving productivity.
Keywords: Electricity supply security; Input distortions; Energy transition