姓名 張志浩
聯絡電話 81237
職稱 副教授
專長領域 空間統計、模型選取、參數估計、閾值模型
當學年教授課程 數理統計學、程式設計與統計軟體、統計機器學習
Office-hour 星期三:09:00~12:00
年度 論文名稱
2023 Chang, C. H.*, Wong, K. F. & Lim, W. Y, 2023, Threshold Estimation for Continuous Three-Phase Polynomial Regression Models with Constant Mean in the Middle Regime. Statistica Neerlandica, 77, 4– 47. https://doi.org/10.1111/stan.12268 , 2023
2022 Chang, C. H., Chen, Z. B. & Huang, S. F.*, 2022, Forecasting of high-resolution electricity consumption with stochastic climatic covariates via a functional time series approach. Applied Energy, 309, 118418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118418 , 2022
2022 Chang, C. H.*, Huang, H. C. & Ing, C. K., 2022, Inference of Random Effects for Linear Mixed-Effects Models with a Fixed Number of Clusters. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 74, 1143-1161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10463-022-00825-7 [supp], 2022
2022 Chang, C. H.*, Huang, H. C. & Ing, C. K., 2022, Selection of Linear Mixed-Effects Models for Clustered Data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, accepted. , 2022
2022 Chang, C. H., Hsu, H. L., Zhuang, Y. B. & Yang, H. D.*, 2022, A spatial model averaging approach for predicting the traffic flow in Taiwan. Journal of the Chinses Statistical Association, 60, 261-300., 2022
2017 Chang, C. H., Huang, H. C. & Ing, C. K.*, 2017, Mixed Domain Asymptotics for a Stochastic Process Model with Time Trend and Measurement Error. Bernoulli, 23, 159-190. https://doi.org/10.3150/15-BEJ740 , 2017
2014 Chang, C. H., Huang, H. C.* & Ing, C. K., 2014, Asymptotic Theory of Generalized Information Criterion for Geostatistical Regression Model Selection. The Annals of Statistics, 42, 2441-2468. https://doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1258, 2014
年度 論文名稱
2022 Chih-Hao Chang, 2022.06, Estimation for multiple-threshold regression models. (5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, Virtual Conference, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan.), 2022
2021 Chih-Hao Chang, 2021.06, Detection of threshold points in mean and variance for threshold regression models. (4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, Virtual Conference, HKUST, Hong Kong, China.) , 2021
2021 Chih-Hao Chang, 2021.07, Threshold estimation for continuous three-phase polynomial regression models with constant mean in the middle regime. (10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Virtual Conference, Seoul National University, Seoul.), 2021
2020 Chih-Hao Chang, 2020.07, Detection of structural changes in mean and variance for polynomial regression of dependent data. (高大中山統計學術研討會/國立高雄大學/高雄), 2020
2020 Chih-Hao Chang, 2020.08, Detection of Structural Changes in Mean and Variance for Polynomial Regression of Dependent Data. (第二十九屆南區統計研討會暨2020中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會/國立中正大學/嘉義), 2020
2019 Chih-Hao Chang, 2019.06, Asymptotic Theory of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Linear Mixed Effects Model Selection. (第二十八屆南區統計研討會暨2019中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會/國立中興大學/台中), 2019
2019 Chih-Hao Chang, 2019.07, Estimation of Breakpoints for Extended Interval Regression Models. (European meeting of Statisticians (EMS) 2019, Italy.), 2019
2019 Chih-Hao Chang, 2019.11, Breakpoints estimation for extended efficiency model. (2019 CSA-KSS-JSS 國際統計學術研討會/韓國首爾), 2019
2018 Chih-Hao Chang, 2018.06, Asymptotic Theory of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Linear Mixed Effects Models. (The 5th IMS-APRM, Singapore.), 2018
2017 Chih-Hao Chang, 2017.02, Model Selection for Linear models. (2017 統計學門研究成果發表會/國立中興大學/ 台中), 2017
2017 Chih-Hao Chang, 2017.06, Parameter Estimation for Linear Mixed-Effects Models. (第二十六屆南區統計研討會/國立臺北大學/臺北), 2017
2017 Chih-Hao Chang, 2017.07, Asymptotic theory for linear mixed-effects model selection. (European Meeting of Statistic 2017, Helsinki, Finland.), 2017
2017 Chih-Hao Chang, 2017.12, Consistency Of Linear Mixed-Effects Model Selection With Inconsistent Covariance Parameter Estimators. (IASC-NZSA 2017, Auckland, New Zealand.), 2017
2016 Chih-Hao Chang, 2016.07, Asymptotic Theory of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Linear Mixed-Effects Model Selection. (World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Toronto, Canada), 2016
2016 Chih-Hao Chang, 2016.08, Asymptotic Theory for Spatial Regression Model Selection. (第十屆海峽兩岸機率與統計研討會/大陸成都), 2016
2016 Chih-Hao Chang, 2016.12, Asymptotic Theory for Linear Mixed-Effects Model Selection. (中國統計學社105年年會暨學術研討會暨政治大學統計學系50週年學術研討會/國立政治大學/臺北), 2016
2015 Chih-Hao Chang, 2015.07, Asymptotic Theory of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Geostatistical Regression Model Selection. (European Meeting of Statisticians 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2015
2014 Chih-Hao Chang, 2014.06, On the Asymptotic Loss Efficiency of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion in Spatial Prediction. (The 3rd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting/福華國際文教會館/臺北), 2014
2014 Chih-Hao Chang, 2014.11, Asymptotic Theory of Generalized Information Criterion for Geostatistical Regression Model Selection. (International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Financial Mathematics 2014 (ICMSFM2014) with IASC-ARS Sessions, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.), 2014
2014 Chih-Hao Chang, 2014.12, Asymptotic Behaviors of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Geostatistical Regression Model Selection. (103年中國統計學社社員大會暨國際統計學術研討會/國立交通大學/新竹), 2014
2014 Chih-Hao Chang, 2014.12, Asymptotic Theory for Geostatistical Regression Model Selection. (2014 International Statistical Symposium CSA-KSS-JSS Special Invited Sessions, HsinChu, Taiwan), 2014
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
科技部 112 閾值邊界羅吉斯迴歸模型之估計(2/2) 張志浩 計畫主持人 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 國科會
科技部 112 閾值邊界羅吉斯迴歸模型之估計(1/2) 張志浩 計畫主持人 2023.08 ~ 2025.07 國科會
科技部 111 廣義資訊準則在疾病擴散模型的應用:階層群集資料的模型選取 張志浩 計畫主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.10 國科會
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
台灣,中華民國 國立交通大學 統計科學研究所 博士 2004.08 ~ 2011.05
經歷類別 服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
校內本職 政治大學 統計學系 副教授 2023.08 ~ 迄今
校內兼職 政治大學 巨量資料分析學程委員會 委員 2023.08 ~ 迄今
校內兼職 政治大學 統計學系 學生事務委員會委員 2023.08 ~ 迄今
校內兼職 政治大學 統計學系 學士班導師 2023.08 ~ 迄今