
年度 論文名稱
2019 Yu-Wei Chang, 2019.06, A New Approach for Analyzing Response Style Data. Presented in 3rd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2019), National Chung Hsing University., 2019
2018 Huang, C.-H., 2018.11, “Semiparametric copula-based analysis for treatment effects in the presence of treatment switching.”, 107 年統計學術研討會暨中央大學統計所40週年國際學術研討會, 中央大學, 107/11/9-10, 2018
2018 Chih-Hao Chang, 2018.06, Asymptotic Theory of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Linear Mixed Effects Models. (The 5th IMS-APRM, Singapore.), 2018
2018 Yu-Wei Chang, 2018.06. A New Approach for Analyzing Response Style Data. Presented in The 11th CSPSC Conference., 2018
2018 Yu-Wei Chang, Nan-Jung Hsu and Rung-Ching Tsai, 2018.07, An IRT Tree Model with Not-All-Distinct Leaves for Non-Response Modeling. Presented in The 83th Annual Conference of International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Columbia University., 2018
2017 Huang, C.-H., 2017, “A copula model for analysis of gap time distributions and illness-death processes.” ICSA China Conference with the Focus on Lifetime Data Science, Jilin, China., 2017
2017 Wu, H.M., 2017.02, Visualization and exploration of symbolic data with dimension reduction methods,2017 統計學門研究成果發表會,Feb. 7, 2017,台中惠蓀林場。[contributed], 2017
2017 Wu, H.M., 2017.03, 漫談巨量資料於R 軟體中的統計圖與視覺化,大數據分析與R 論壇,Mar. 17, 2017,淡江大學。[invited], 2017
2017 Wu, H.M., 2017.04, 漫談巨量資料於R 軟體中的統計圖與視覺化,2017 經濟與統計大趨勢學術研討會,Apr. 28, 2017,銘傳大學。[invited], 2017
2017 Lai, W.Y. and Wu, H.M., 2017.07, drEDA:一個基於維度縮減技術的互動式探索性資料分析網頁應用程式,第13 屆台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2017),July 7, 2017,逢甲大學。[contributed], 2017