
年度 論文名稱
1999 余清祥;胡玉蕙;Yu, I, 1999.04, 'A Study of a Number-guessing Game, ' 中華機率統計年會暨學術研討會, 中華機率統計年會., Apr. 1999
1999 Liu, Huimei;Berger, R. L., 1999, 'Improved Equivalence Tests for the Normal Means, ' ENRA joint meetings., 1999
1999 楊素芬;Liu,H, 1999, 'Stastical process quality improvement for the thickness of thin gold firms, ' International Data Anaylsis, x., 1999
1999 楊素芬;Liu,H, 1999, 'Study on the Quality Improvement of thickness of a thin gold film, ' Chinese Society of Quality Conference, x., 1999
1999 楊素芬;Yang,D, 1999, 'Statistical Process control of two grade products on two dependent sub-processes, ' Chinese Society of Quality Conference, X., 1999
1998 謝邦昌;鄭宇庭, 1998.12, 'Computer-Aided Sampling Survey Operating System, ' 3rd Conference on Statistical Computing of the Asian Regional Section (ARS), International Association for statistical Computing., Dec. 1998
1998 陳義彥;鄭宇庭;蔡孟熹, 1998.03, '選舉預測與選舉策略-選舉預測之研究:民國八十六年台南縣市長選舉之分析, ' 民調,策略,廣告與選舉研究論文研討會, 世新大學民意調查研究中心,公共傳播學系., Mar. 1998
1998 陳麗霞*, 1998, 'Bayesian control to linear regression models with covariate error, ' 第四屆機率統計之理論與應用學術研討會.(*為通訊作者), 1998
1998 楊素芬, 1998, 'Statistical constrained economic adjustment design for X and S control chartss, ' 1998 Statistical Joint Meestinf, ASA., 1998
1997 Liu, Huimei;Tsai, D. L., 1997, 'A Simpler Estimator that is Equivalent to Bukley-James Estimator, ' Proceedings for the Biometrics Secttion of the ASA, American Statistical Association, pp.212-216., 1997