
年度 論文名稱
2003 鄭宇庭;謝晴予;邱蔚群;李家旭;李珮榕, 2003.06, 'Data Mining在保險業之應用, ' 第十二屆南區統計研討會暨九十二年度中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會, 國立高雄大學., Jun. 2003
2003 楊素芬;Lin,G;Su,H, 2003, 'Robust design of Power Switch Supply, ' Chinese Institute of Industrail Engineer Conference, Chinese Institute., 2003
2003 楊素芬;Ho, H, 2003, 'The effect of measurement error on two dependent processes control, ' ISIS 3,Barcerlona,Spain, ISIS 3., 2003
2002 鄭宇庭;謝晴予;何玉芝;林建言, 2002.12, '不同信用卡申請方式的持卡者異同研究, ' 九十一年統計學術研討會, 東海大學., Dec. 2002
2002 鄭宇庭;李珮榕;邱蔚群;李家旭, 2002.12, '壽險公司附加保單銷售之目標消費群研究, ' 九十一年統計學術研討會, 東海大學., Dec. 2002
2002 鄭宇庭;謝晴予;李珮榕;邱蔚群;李家旭;何玉芝, 2002.12, '資料探勘技術應用於企業資料庫之資料探索與決策, ' 九十一年統計學術研討會, 東海大學., Dec. 2002
2002 Yang, S, 2002.08, 'Statsiticsl process control for failure mechanisms, ' proceedings of 7th TQM conference, Verona University., Aug. 2002
2002 Y.C. Hung*;G. Michailidis, 2002.08, 'On the Design of Efficient Simulations for Complex Queueing Networks, ' Joint Statistical Meetings, ASA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2002
2002 薛慧敏, 2002.08, 'Estimation of the number of true hypotheses in multiple testing :application to gene microarray data”, ' The 3rd International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures, USA., Aug. 2002
2002 薛慧敏, 2002.07, '“Estimation of the number of true hypotheses in multiple testing :application to gene microarray data”, ' The 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and Bernoulli Society EAPR Conference, 台灣., Jul. 2002