Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2006 Wu, H.M. and Chen, C. H., 2006.09, Matrix Visualization for Modelling of Proximity Matrices with Dimension Reduction, COMPSTAT 2006, Sep. 2006. Rome, Italy. [contributed], 2006
2005 Wu, H.M. and Chen, C. H., 2005.05, Imputation of Missing Values by Clustered Matrix Visualization, The 14th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference, June 2005. Tainan, Taiwan. [成功大學, 2005/06/24] [contributed], 2005
2005 Chen, C. H., and Wu, H.M., 2005.12, GAP: Generalized Association Plots for Dimension Free Data Visualization, the Workshops of The 5th Asian Conference on Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS 2005), Hong Kong, Dec. 15-17, 2005. [invited], 2005
2005 Wu, H.M., Huang, S. Y., and Lu, H. H.-S., 2005.12, Kernel Sliced Inverse Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space, 中國統計學社94 年社員大會暨統計學術研討會, December 2005. Taipei, Taiwan. [invited], 2005
2004 Wu, H.M., and Chen, C. H., 2004.02, Cluster Analysis and Visualization, 統計與機器學習研討會Workshop on Statistics and Machine Learning, February 2004. [東華大學, 2004/02/06], Journal Club of Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics. [長庚大學, 2004/02/09] [invited], 2004
2004 Wu, H.M., and Chen, C. H., 2004.06, Generalized Association Plots with a Covariate Adjustment, The 13th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference, June 2004. Taipei, Taiwan. [亞太會館] [contributed], 2004
2004 Wu, H.M., and Chen, C. H., 2004.11, Matrix Visualization with Nonlinear Association, 中國統計學社93 年社員大會暨統計研討會, November 2004. Chiayi, Taiwan. [中正大學, 2004/11/14] [contributed], 2004
2004 Chen, C.H.*, Hwu, H.G., Jang, W.J., Kao, C.H., Tien, Y.J., Tzeng, S., and Wu, H.M., 2004, Matrix visualization and information mining, Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2004 (Compstat 2004), 85-100, Physica-Verlag., 2004
2003 Wu, H.M., and Lu, H. H.-S., 2003.06, Supervised Motion Segmentation by Spatial-Frequential Analysis and Dynamic Sliced Inverse Regression, The 12th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference, June 2003. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. [contributed], 2003
2003 Lu, H. H.-S.*, and Wu, H.M., 2003, On visualization, screening, and classification of cell cycleregulated genes in yeast, the 14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW2003), 344-345., 2003