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Over the past four decades, the department has produced thousands of outstanding statisticians, whose performances have made the department highly recognized. The job market for our alumni is very promising with abundant opportunities in government, industry, business, academia, and other research organizations. Due to the strong academic tradition and outstanding training of the department, our alumni also play active roles in their professions. Many of our alumni hold influential positions in governmental statistics and accounting units, such as the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS), while others hold positions in banking, financial holdings, insurance, high-tech, computer-related and sampling/survey industries, and academic units.
The Statistical Consulting Center (SCC) is one of the most important features of the Department of Statistics. The mission for the SCC is to enhance student training and research development through providing consulting services. At the SCC, we carry out projects to help clients define their research objectives and to develop a research design appropriate for the needs of clients. Students may serve as project assistants to work closely and collaboratively with clients.