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Enforcement Rules of the NCCU Mathematical Finance Credit Program
Established by the Mathematical Finance Program Committee on 4 January 2011.
Revised by the Curriculum Committee Meeting of the Department of Statistics on 10 January 2011.
Revised by the Term Administration Meeting of the Department of Statistics on 10 January 2011.
Approved by the NCCU Curriculum Committee Meeting of Semester 2 of Academic Year 2010 on 9 May 2011.
Approved by the Academic Affairs Meeting of Semester 2 of Academic Year 2010 on 13 June 2011.
Amended by the Mathematical Finance Program Committee on 15 September 2011.
Amended and approved by the Academic Affairs Meeting of Semester 1 of Academic Year 2011 on 17 October 2011.
Amended and approved by the Mathematical Finance Program Committee of Semester 2 of Academic Year 2017 on 21 May 2017.

Article 1 The Mathematical Finance Program (the “Program” is established in response to the social demand for mathematical financial professionals and to equip students with the robust ability in statistics and mathematical finance.
Article 2 The Program is co-organized by the Department of Statistics and the Department of Finance of the NCCU College of Commerce and the Department of Applied Mathematics of the NCCU College of Science. A program committee is established for the Program with six to nine committee members, including the chairperson of the said three departments and at least one faculty representative of each department. The chairperson of the Department of Statistics shall be the convener responsible for curriculum planning and student enrollment evaluation.
Article 3 The minimum course credits, including required and elective courses, of the Program shall be 51 credits. Curriculum planning include courses on statistics, finance, economics, and mathematics.
Article 4 All NCCU undergraduate students can apply for admission to the Program.
Article 5 The program committee shall determine the number of vacancies in accordance with the number of applicants in each academic year, provided that not more than 60 vacancies shall be offered each academic year.
Article 6 The admission by advance application scheme shall apply to the Program. Students wishing to enroll to the Program shall submit written application data to the Department of Statistics by the deadline in semester 2. Students must be approved by the program committee before enrolling to the program.
Article 7 After completing the required courses, earning the required credits, fulfilling the program requirements, students may apply to the Department of Statistics to issue a certificate of credits and program completion. When no error is found in the certificate, NCCU will issue students with the certificate of credits and program completion after the approval of the dean of academic affairs and the NCCU president. No certificate of credit and program completion will be issued to auditors.
Article 8 Matters not provided in the Enforcement Rules shall be subject to the National Chengchi University Regulations, the Regulations for Credit Program Establishment, and related laws and regulations.
Article 9 the Enforcement Rules shall be implemented after the approval of the academic affairs meeting. The same shall apply to the amendments thereof.