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Guidelines for course selection in the Department of Statistics
I. The graduation requirement for the freshman and sophomore students of undergraduate program is a minimum of 128 credits. The graduation requirement for the junior and senior students of undergraduate program is a minimum of 138 credits.
II. Certain selective courses such as Physical Education for Seniors and Military Training Education for Sophomores are not valid credits for the graduation requirement.
III. Freshman, sophomore and junior students are required to take courses for a minimum of 12 credits each semester while seniors must take a minimum of 10 credits. Based on personal preference, a course overload or underload request can be submitted for each semester for a maximum of 6 credits for either request.
IV. A. For students who enrolled in the program before 2015 Academic Year:
1. Probability Theory: students who obtain an average grade of 60 or more in Calculus for both semesters are eligible to register for Probability Theory. Students who fail to obtain an average grade of 60 in Calculus for two or more times are eligible to register for Probability Theory. Those who have not taken Probability Theory are ineligible to register for Mathematical Statistics.
2. Mathematical Statistics (I) & (II): students who obtain an average grade of 60 or more in Calculus for both semesters and Probability Theory are eligible to register for Mathematical Statistics. Students who fail Probability Theory two or more times are eligible to register for Mathematical Statistics (I).
3. Those who do not meet the above requirements, please use Manual Course Registration Form to get approval from instructor.
B. For students who enrolled in the program after 2016 Academic Year:
Students who obtain an average grade of 60 or more in Calculus for both semesters are eligible to register for Mathematical Statistics (I) & (II). Students who fail to obtain an average grade of 60 in Calculus for two or more times are eligible to register for Mathematical Statistics (I) & (II). Those who do not meet the above requirements, please use Manual Course Registration Form to get approval from instructor.
V. Undergraduate required courses include Statistics, Economics for Freshmen, Commercial Law, Fundamental Accounting (I) & (II) for Sophomores, which will be automatically registered by the computer system and do not require online registration. College-required interdisciplinary courses such as Management Science and Social Responsibility and Ethics require online registration or registration by phone. Please contact the relevant departmental office for registration methods or restrictions regarding other general and elective interdisciplinary courses.