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Guideline for Master Program Study
1. Program procedure
(1) Complete the required and elective courses.
(2) Choose a research field, a thesis subject, and a thesis advisor.
(3) Submit a thesis topic.
(4) Pass the English Proficiency Test.
(5) Apply for the thesis examination.
(6) Undergo the thesis examination.
2. Register for courses and choose a thesis topic and a thesis advisor.
(1) The department will draw lots to assign an academic mentor to every first-year graduate student two weeks prior to course registration. The mentor will offer course consulting to students.
(2) First-year students are required to obtain an Academic Record Sheet at the department before course registration. All the course will be discussed and approved for each student by the assigned mentor in consultation with the student to proceed with the registration. The sheet must be submitted to the department on the next day after course registration.
(3) Second-year students’ research field, thesis topic, and thesis advisor should be determined and students must fill in their Academic Record Sheet, which must be signed by the advisor and submitted to the department to keep on file. (The thesis advisor will then serve as the academic mentor for the student.)
(4) A full-time faculty of the Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University, is required to serve as a thesis advisor. In the case of co-advising, the primary advisor must be a full-time faculty of the Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University.
(5) Other than registering for courses and deciding on a thesis advisor, students of the Master’s Program must also obtain their Academic Record Sheet at the department two weeks prior to the end of the semester or before drop/add any courses. Students should voluntarily consult with their mentor or thesis advisor before filling in the Sheet and return it on the next day after completing registration.
(6) A faculty member of the Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University, is limited to a maximum of three advisees per class.
3. Course Requirement
(1) A minimum of 37 credits is required for graduation from the Master’s Program. Students may register for no more than 4 courses per semester (excluding Research Methods). Students who take courses of 9 credits or more from the same department will be granted the second professional specialty certificate.
(2) Course requirements for students who enter the Master’s Program after the 2016 school year are as follows:
i. Required courses: Advanced Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Computing and Simulation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.
ii. Required elective courses: Applied Regression Analysis, Sampling Methods, Multivariate Analysis, Experimental Design, Statistical Consulting and Research Methods (I) & (II).
 (3) Students can apply for a course waiver if they have taken an equivalent master’s level course with a grade 70 or above in their senior year of college. The maximum number of credits exempted shall be one-half of the total credits required for graduation. If student’s grades are included in the total number of credits required for his/her college graduation requirements, he/she may not apply for credit exemption.
(4) Master’s students may take up to a maximum of 13 credits and a minimum of 4 credits each semester.
(5) First-year students whose average grades of the required courses (Advanced Mathematical Statistics) for the Fall Semester are among the top 5 in the class are permitted to register for one additional course beyond the credit maximum for the spring semester. There is no course restriction for second-year students.
(6) First-year students can take Statistical Consulting course in the spring semester of the first year.
(7) Master’s students are required to demonstrate a proficiency of programming language (such as SAS, SPSS, R, S-PLUS), but no course is required.
(8) Master’s students must meet the English Proficiency Requirement of the Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University before graduation.
i. TOEFL 550 or above
ii. CBT 213 or above
iii. IBT 79 or above
iv. TOEIC 750 or above
v. IELTS 6.0 or above
vi. Cambridge Certificate FCE or above
vii. High-intermediate Level of GEPT pass
Students who fail to meet the requirement are obligated to take and pass the English courses approved by the Department. (Students who fail the English proficiency test at least two times in their first year are required to take the English courses approved by the Department in their second year.)
4. Thesis Proposal
(1) Application for thesis proposal can be submitted online starting from the first semester. 
(2) Method: Qualified students should present their thesis topic online. The website route is: NCCU main page → iNCCU → My NCCU Info. System → Student Information System → Thesis or Dissertation Online Proposal.
(3) Procedure: Upload the thesis topic online → Print it out → Submit it to the advisor and Department Chair to sign → Submit it to the departmental office for confirmation → Collected and listed by the departmental office → Submit it to the Registration Section.
(4) Students who change their advisor and thesis topic should print out the Advisor and Thesis Topic Change Application Form (Office of Academic Affairs Main page → About us → Forms Download → Graduate Program Degree Exam → Print out Advisor and Thesis Topic Change Application Form) and submit the form to their advisor and the departmental office to sign, then to the Office of Academic Affairs.
(5) The thesis should be written in traditional Chinese or in English. The topic and the abstract should be written in traditional Chinese.
5. Applying for the Thesis Examination
(1) The application must be submitted during the application period and with the approval of the thesis advisor. The applicant should obtain the Degree Examination Application Form at the department or online, complete the form and submit it to the department for review two weeks prior to the deadline.
(2) Any omission in the regulations should abide by the National Chengchi University Guidelines for the Graduate Degree Exam. (P. 6)
*** Once results of the degree examination are inserted into the record, students shall upload their theses and complete graduation procedures within one month of the immediate semester following their degree examination. Students who do not complete the above procedures in time must enroll for the next semester's studies immediately if they have not reached the maximum limit of their period of study; those who have reached the limit shall be required to withdraw from NCCU.

6. Graduation Procedure
(1) After passing the thesis oral defense and completing the revision, the student should log into the NCCU Thesis and Dissertation System ( to create his/her own account and upload the electronic file. An authorization sheet should be printed out and signed before a hardcopy of the thesis is sent for printing. (If any questions should arise about account creating and thesis uploading, please contact extension 63192)
(2) Please enter NCCU Worldwide Alumni Service Net ( to update personal information. Proceed with the Graduation Procedure Checklist online ( Download the file and print it out. Follow the steps on the checklist for each relevant unit and office to complete the graduation procedure. Students are required to hand in the material as follows:
Hand in the electronic file or disc containing formal full-text thesis (the authorization page is required.) After receipt of the thesis abstract is confirmed, the student should return the keys of his/her locker and their office to the department at the same time.
(3) The graduate student is required to deposit two hardcover copies of his/her thesis to the NCCU Library.
(4) For the official graduation policies, please refer to the National Chengchi University Guidelines for Graduate Degree Examinations on page 17 as attached.
P.S. Any omissions or amendments will be presented at the Department faculty meeting for revision and implementation. Please check the updated announcement from the department for reference.