Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2016 Wu, H.M., 2016.08, Visualization of fuzzy clustering results using sliced inverse regression, 第十屆海峽兩岸統計與概率研討會,Aug. 11, 2016, 成都電子科技大學沙河校區. [Invited], 2016
2016 Wu, H.M., 2016.12, Nonlinear manifold learning of interval-valued symbolic data using ISOMAP. 105 年統計學術研討會暨政治大學統計學系50 週年學術研討會,Dec. 9, 2016, 國立政治大學. [invited], 2016
2016 Wu, H.M., 2016.11, Nonlinear dimension reduction of interval-valued symbolic data using ISOMAP, TheKorean Statistical Society Autumn Conference Nov. 4, 2016, Daejeon, Korea, [Invited], 2016
2016 Vivian Yi-Ju Chen, 2016.08, Geographically weighted quantile regression for count data. The 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMSTAT 2016), Auditorium/Congress Palace Principe Felipe, Oviedo, Spain., 2016
2016 Chih-Hao Chang, 2016.07, Asymptotic Theory of Conditional Generalized Information Criterion for Linear Mixed-Effects Model Selection. (World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Toronto, Canada), 2016
2016 Chih-Hao Chang, 2016.08, Asymptotic Theory for Spatial Regression Model Selection. (第十屆海峽兩岸機率與統計研討會/大陸成都), 2016
2016 Chih-Hao Chang, 2016.12, Asymptotic Theory for Linear Mixed-Effects Model Selection. (中國統計學社105年年會暨學術研討會暨政治大學統計學系50週年學術研討會/國立政治大學/臺北), 2016
2016 Yu-Wei Chang, Rung-Ching Tsai and Nan-Jung Hsu, 2016.07, Unifying DIF in Categorical FA and GRM under a Discretization of a Normal Variant. Presented in The 81th Annual Conference of International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS)., 2016
2015 Huang, C.-H., Chen, Y.-H. and Chuang, Y.-W., 2015, “Semiparametric regression analysis of recurrent gap times in the presence of competing risks.” CSA-KSS-JSS joint international session, Okayama, Japan., 2015
2015 Wu, H.M., 2015.05, R軟體於象徵性資料的統計圖與視覺化, 2015 年智慧科技與應用統計研討會暨2015 應用統計學術研討會, May 30, 2015, 淡江大學統計學系。[invited], 2015