Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
1994 楊素芬, 1994, 'The Determination of Optimal Design parameters of S Control Chart, ' 1994 ASA Winter Conference., 1994
1993 楊素芬, 1993, 'Shewhat計量管制圖對量測誤差的敏感度分析, ' 中華民國品管學會第二十九屆年會., 1993
1993 楊素芬, 1993, '一個控制製程變異的方法, ' 中華民國品管學會第二十九屆年會, 品管學會., 1993
劉惠美*, ', '.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2024
2022 Chih-Hao Chang, 2022.06, Estimation for multiple-threshold regression models. (5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, Virtual Conference, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan.), 2022
2021 Huang, C.-H., 2021, Joint analysis of dependent count data with excessive zeros. Statistics Symposium in Memory of Wen-Chen Chen, Taipei. , 2021
2021 Chih-Hao Chang, 2021.06, Detection of threshold points in mean and variance for threshold regression models. (4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, Virtual Conference, HKUST, Hong Kong, China.) , 2021
2021 Chih-Hao Chang, 2021.07, Threshold estimation for continuous three-phase polynomial regression models with constant mean in the middle regime. (10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Virtual Conference, Seoul National University, Seoul.), 2021
2020 Wu, H.M., 2020.10, R 語言深度學習入門,2020 satRday Taiwan, A conference for users of R Language, Oct. 17 2020, 淡江大學。, 2020
2020 Chih-Hao Chang, 2020.07, Detection of structural changes in mean and variance for polynomial regression of dependent data. (高大中山統計學術研討會/國立高雄大學/高雄), 2020