Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2001 余清祥, 2001.03, 'Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz''s Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries, ' 中華民國人口學術年會研討會, 中華民國人口學術年會., Mar. 2001
2001 陳麗霞;陳春龍;楊雅媛, 2001, '資料特性對線性迴歸與類神經網路預測效果影響之研究, ' 九十年統計學術研究會, x., 2001
2001 鄭宗記;Wen,Y-W, 2001, 'Robust Regression With Both Continuous and Categorical in the Presence of Missing Values, ' 53rd Session of the ISI, Seoul, ISI., 2001
2001 余清祥;Clayton, M;Yu, I, 2001, 'An Overlap Measure based on Species Proportions, ' 2001 Joint Statistic Meetings, 2001 Joint Statistic Meetings., 2001
2001 鄭宗記;Hwang,J.-H., 2001, 'Maximun Likelihood Estimation for Environmental Data with Detection Limits and Missing Valuse, ' Conference of the Chinese Statitical Association, Chinesen Statistical Association., 2001
2001 楊素芬;Kao, R;Lee,R, 2001, 'Process Adjustment for the thickness of thin gold films, ' The 2th Statistical Conference for Chinese in Taiwan and China, Taiwan., 2001
2001 楊素芬;Chang .C, 2001, 'Effects of measurement error on the X-bar and S Control charts, ' Proceedings of the 16th ICPR, X., 2001
2001 楊素芬, 2001, 'Statistical process control for multiple stream processes, ' 2001 Statistical Conference, Taipei, x., 2001
2001 楊素芬;Ho,H, 2001, 'An approach to analysis CRT quality data, ' Proceedings of TQM confrernce, TQM., 2001
2000 鄭宇庭, 2000.12, '電腦輔助電話調查系統(CATI)實際操作, ' 八十九年度教育部大學基礎科學教學改進計畫「增進基礎抽樣調查與統計諮詢教學之研究」研討會, 輔仁大學., Dec. 2000