Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2002 Yang, S, 2002.08, 'Statsiticsl process control for failure mechanisms, ' proceedings of 7th TQM conference, Verona University., Aug. 2002
2002 Y.C. Hung*;G. Michailidis, 2002.08, 'On the Design of Efficient Simulations for Complex Queueing Networks, ' Joint Statistical Meetings, ASA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2002
2002 薛慧敏, 2002.08, 'Estimation of the number of true hypotheses in multiple testing :application to gene microarray data”, ' The 3rd International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures, USA., Aug. 2002
2002 薛慧敏, 2002.07, '“Estimation of the number of true hypotheses in multiple testing :application to gene microarray data”, ' The 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and Bernoulli Society EAPR Conference, 台灣., Jul. 2002
2002 余清祥;胡玉蕙, 2002.06, '台灣地區高齡人口失能狀況的空間分析, ' 華人人口與社會經濟研究: 2000/2001 年度人口普查資料分析研討會, 香港科技大學., Jun. 2002
2002 Y.C. Hung;G. Michailidis*, 2002.05, 'On the Design of Efficient Simulations for Complex Queueing Networks, ' The 9th Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology, Joint venture of ASA and IMS.(*為通訊作者), May. 2002
2002 Y.C. Hung;G. Michailidis*, 2002.03, 'On the Design of Efficient Simulations for Complex Queueing Networks, ' Proceedings of 36th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, pp.104-108.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2002
2002 余清祥;黃意萍, 2002.03, '台灣地區生育率模式的推估研究, ' 中華民國人口學年會學術研討會, X., Mar. 2002
2002 余清祥, 2002.03, '台灣地區死亡率推估的實證方法之研究, ' 中華民國人口學年會學術研討會, X., Mar. 2002
2002 余清祥, 2002.01, 'Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries, ' Living to 100 and Beyond : Survival at Advanced Ages Symposium, Society of Actuaries., Jan. 2002