Alumni board and student council would like jointly invite you and family for the first IMBA family day on May 21st . The family day aims to provide IMBA families with opportunities to network and exchange experiences one another of your work, life, and kids raising in Taiwan.
We plan to start at 10am May-21st, and prepare for a DIY Taiwanese style Earth Oven (or Kong Yao), and other fun activities together.
Please find below a brief information for the venue.
[Date/Time]: start at 10 a.m., Sunday May-21st
[Place]: 福田園 ( in Yangmingshan台北市士林區菁山路131巷18號) (02)2862-2145
[Fees]: NT$600/person (RSVP before May-12th)
Please transfer total fee to following IMBA BANK account:
Bank ID (郵局代號):700 IMBA Account No.:0002717 0637549
(Note: After money transfer, please Email the last five digits of your bank account to cpyang@nccu.edu.tw
we will send you confirmation letter once the deposit is confirmed.)
[Call for action]:
*please help to reserve the time and let us know how many of your family members (adults, and kids above 2 years old ) could join by filling the form in below link and pay following the instruction before May-12th.
*Please remember to bring substitute clothes for little ones if they are to play at the creeks.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
IMBA alumni board and student council IMBA family day committee: Caroline Wang, Irene Kao, and Albert Lin